
Courses / English for professionals

Our professional courses are taught by experienced native speaker business trainers. Courses include participant needs analysis, all training materials, study packs, certification and course reports. It contains a strong practical element and for this reason there is a maximum class size of 16 participants. Each of our customers has particular needs and we are therefore very pleased to discuss ways in which we can ‘tailor’ courses to meet your needs.

We also offer a wide range of courses that will help develop your English Business speaking and writing skills. We also offer English for Law courses.


Business English Intermediate has a three-part course for business people and students who want to improve their English in a business context. We use a topic-based book which called ‘Skills for Business English’, which helps you develop the language skills you need for success in the fast moving global economy.

During the course you will improve your:
* listening (through real interviews with business people)
* speaking (through role-plays, simulations and discussions)
* writing (by learning how to write clear, accurate business documents)
* reading (through real texts from various business publications)

We give the courses as follows:

- Business English Pre-Intermediate 1&2
- Business English Intermediate 1&2
- Business English Upper-Intermediate 1&2


We have all had to sit through poor presentations, or felt uneasy about how well we have put our point across. The idea may be a great one, but unless the message is communicated effectively to the audience, you will not succeed. In this course we will train your employees to organise and deliver effective presentations through recorded practice sessions. This helps to define procedures and roles for meetings. It is not a course that relies on theory, but challenges participants through simulated practice and principled negotiations with staging, diplomatic and bargaining language, and role plays.


Writing is a two-way communication activity. Unless your writing meets the needs of the reader, it will not fulfil its aim. In a globally competitive world your writing should stand out for its ability to communicate effectively. This course aims to give you the language and skills to do this. It identifies good writing, establishes purpose, and improves clarity. We train you to avoid all fashioned English and develop more contemporary ‘Plain English’. The course focuses on structure and sequence, developing style, proof reading, editing principles and techniques, language analysis, and editing your writing.

Through this book we will investigate a bank of real-life business case studies. These encourage you to apply the language and communication skills you are developing in practical and motivating ways.


As the global economy expands those of you working in the legal profession need to have a medium to do business. English is that medium, and this course aims to provide you with the practical knowledge and skills to operate successfully.

Through the eight sessions of this course we will focus on six language areas: grammar, vocabulary, reading skills, writing skills, and listening skills. Each language area studied and developed in the context of legal English. So, whilst developing your overall English ability, you will gain a greater knowledge of the language of law. This knowledge will be transferred into application of the language through an emphasis on simulation and role-play.

We will look at case histories to develop your knowledge of legal vocabulary. Your writing will benefit from summering real texts and judgements. Your speaking ability will be enhanced through presenting legal arguments.